Prep for Winter in Tahoe Part 1: Dial in your Vehicle

Winter 2019

It snowed this week. Yes, it’s October, but it snowed and the stoke level of the town went through the roof. Most Tahoe locals pray for snow and are seasoned professionals at managing it. However, if you’re new to the area or just visiting, it can be daunting and even dangerous if you’re not adequately prepared for the elements. In this 3-part series, I’ll be sharing how I prepare for the winter season including: dialing in your vehicle, prepping your home, and making a snow management plan. In this first installment, I’ll be addressing some straightforward things you can do to make sure you are prepared for driving in winter weather.

Dial in your Vehicle for Extreme Weather

  1. If you don’t have a four-wheel drive or all-wheel drive vehicle, you will run into problems. Yes, it’s possible to get by in a light winter, especially if you put chains on your tires, but I really don’t recommend this. It’s a hassle and just not as safe and reliable as a good four-wheel drive vehicle.
  2. Buy winter tires. They make a big difference, especially in icy conditions. If you’re a Truckee local, go see Travis at Truckee Tire. He’s the expert at what tires you will need for your vehicle and his prices are extremely reasonable.
  3. Pack your car with the essentials. Even with a great car and winter tires, you never know when you could get stuck or the highway could close because of accidents and spinouts. These are the items I always keep in my car during the winter:
  4. Always have a half tank of gas. You don’t want to get stuck in winter traffic while running on fumes!
  5. Check your windshield wiper fluid levels and make sure you’re using a formula designed for winter weather. Clearing your windshield with fluid is important in the winter and makes a big impact at improving visibility.
  6. Always clear your vehicle of snow completely before driving anywhere. This includes the roof of your car! Not only is it dangerous to drive with a shelf of snow on top of your car (the snow can fly off all at once and blind the car behind you), you can also get ticketed for this.
  7. Take it slow and give yourself extra time. Most accidents happen when people are rushing and driving too fast on slick conditions. Slowing down and having patience is an easy way to stay safe on the road.

What are your winter driving tips? Let me know in the comments!

Safe travels this winter season πŸ™‚

3 thoughts on “Prep for Winter in Tahoe Part 1: Dial in your Vehicle

  1. Don’t forget toilet paper and candles/matches. πŸ™‚

    We are coming up tomorrow. May have heat/water in the house. 🀞

    Derek and Bonnie

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